
RiveKids Technology – R+D+i for your Safety

RiveKids Technology is a technological engineering approach which focuses on Child Road Safety. Our children need special care which is why RiveKids Technology seeks to develop and provide innovative road safety and car journey products.

Our commitment to society can be summed up by the objective of 0 victims in road traffic accidents. On this basis, we work tirelessly to inform families about road safety and, in particular, child road safety.

Everything we do is governed by three principles: the safety of children, commitment to society and innovation.

Our aim is to make the world a better place. Will you help us?

RiveKids – Road Safety Studies

RiveKids, a technology company specializing in children’s road safety, from its commitment to road safety, shares some of its research studies so that knowledge on road safety reaches the entire society. A matter such as road safety, which saves lives, must be shared and made available to all citizens so that the lack of information is not the cause of any deaths or injuries in traffic accidents.

RiveKids works to reach the objective zero victims and zero serious injuries due to road violence“.



We increase the safety of children and adults on any type of journey.



Our goal is to improve the lives of millions of children in the world.

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